Versionshinweise 22.123.0 - On Premise

Versionshinweise 22.123.0 - On Premise


Version  22.123.0

Beinhaltet alle Ă„nderungen zu Version 22.105.0

Neue Funktionen und Verbesserungen:

RQ047080 - Requirements traceability | Show test cases and test scenarios that cover the requirements

RQ047455 - Agile | Show test cases in the backlog and sprint

RQ047606 - Agile | Project settings | Option to hide test cases with certain statuses from the backlog

RQ048273 - aqua re-design | New design and texts for the toast messages

RQ048102 - Chrome extension | Decouple the extension from aqua. Aqua Test Recorder becomes Capture

RQ048455 - Navigation | Help Menu | Change the link to videos in the help menu

RQ047068 - Agile | Sprint board and Backlog | Quick preview of the items

Gelöste Fehler:

DF048399 - Reset password page | The field email is key sensitive

DF048383 - Executions | Attachments are duplicated when editing executions

DF048405 - Executions | Wrong display of time on the test execution history page

DF048462 - Executions | Test execution can not be saved if two videos were attached

DF048495 - User Administration | The loader is shown upon every click when creating/editing the role

DF048385 - Reporting | Creating/running a report causes 500 server error

DF048380 - Batch edit | Item Context menu doesn't close after batch update


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