Permissions can be configured per folder. As an example, one user might only be able to read defects in folder A, but in folder B he is able to edit and delete defects. View "Folder permissions" allows to configure these special permissions.
In order to add a folder permission, select the specific folder and press the blue plus button labeled 'Add'. Please note: Permissions are inherited, that is, permissions of a subfolder can only be extended with respect to its parent folder.
For example, you must assign a user, who needs permissions on test cases in folder A and should not have access to folder B, a role without read and write permissions on the project (such as "Project Assignment") and then give a corresponding role with permissions on the test cases for folder A.
The user will appear multiple times in the overview, once with the role for the project and once with the role for the folder(s).
You can also use "Show effective" to see in detail which permissions a user has on the selected folder.
Note: the following permissions can only be assigned at the project level and not at the folder level (so the Project Assignment role may need to be extended):
Project configurations (templates, workflows, archiving etc. as well as default values for the project)
Create/edit public views or public dashboards
Configure email notifications