Configuration in aqua

Configuration in aqua

This step is optional but recommended. In order to show information about any Jira items in aqua, the connection to Jira needs to be configured.
In order to configure the integrationclick on the configuration menu in the upper left corner of the aqua header . In the server configuration area select the entry Integrations.
1.     Click on “New integration” and select Jira.
2.     Enter the credentials to a Jira user that can access the Jira projects using the aqua4Jira plugin.
The following settings are available:
View issue URL
If you configure this URL, you are able to open your connected Jira items inside of aqua items directly using mouse-click. {ExternalId} is a placeholder that is replaced with your JiraId at runtime and should be part of the URL to open the correct Jira item.
Create issue URL
If you configure this URL, you are able to create new Jira items directly, e.g. in scope of a test execution to create a bug in Jira.
Provide a proper Jira-API-URL, Jira User and Password so that aqua can display further information inside of aqua about connected Jira items
For example, the links could then look like this:
Note when using Jira Cloud: a separate API password, also called API token, must be created so that the Jira user can log in via the REST API. This can be configured at the following URL:
Furthermore the email address must be used instead of the username.
If you have configured the API correctly, you will see further details on connected Jira items in aqua. The example below loads description of Jira item TOM-29 via API of Jira and shows it in aqua.
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