Creating and editing a new project plan (Rich Client)

Creating and editing a new project plan (Rich Client)

Efficient planning works best with up-to-date data. aqua uses a central database and makes all your relevant project data available for access in your project plans. To introduce a new project plan, press on Project Planner and afterwards New in group Actions in the ribbon bar. If you have done so, the following window opens:
1.     Ribbon with context relevant buttons
2.     Detailed information of the project plan
3.     List of activities
4.     View as Gantt chart
5.     Zoom (for Gantt chart)
Type in a name for your project plan into field Name. Press Save in group Actions in ribbon bar. The project plan is created now and the fields ID, Owner, Created and Modified are filled with data. In order to edit the project planner, you have to press the  button.
To introduce a new activity, press Crtl+N or use the corresponding Ribbon button. In the list of activities a new activity is created. The name is New Activity.
Change the following fields in the list of activities:
Name:               Your Project Name
Actual work:     352
Resource:         A user in your project
Save changes and close the Project Plan by pressing Crtl+Shift+S (or using the corresponding button in ribbon bar). If you are done you can set the status of the plan to Active.
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