Users in aqua can be authenticated via LDAP.
Precondition: the user has been created in aqua before, that is, the given username exists in both systems, in aqua and in LDAP. If you have a large number of users, you can also use the following script to initially or recurringly retrieve users from LDAP and create them in aqua. You can also create your own custom scripts via the aqua REST API to create the users.


First, stop the server. To do so, open the IIS-Manager on Microsoft Server.
Click on 'aquaAPIPool' and stop it with the button on the right side first.
After that please stop 'aquaFileServerPool', 'aquaWebservicePool' and (if installed) 'aquaWebNGAppPool'.
Your Server is stopped now.


Open Web.config file of aqua Backend. It is usually located here:
C:\Program Files\andagon GmbH\aqua For IIS\Web\Webservice
Ensure that RemotingModules section is declared in <configSections>. Furthermore, define <RemotingModules> section and include reference to aquaLDAP. As a third step, add LDAP settings to <appSettings> section.
LDAP Server Address (IP or hostname without any prefixes)
LDAP Server Port
defines if communication should be SSL-encrypted (if supported by your LDAP-server)
defines a distinguished-name of branch where to look for aqua users (recursively)
Filter for username in LDAP
(optional) username to LDAP if authentication is required
(optional) password to LDAP if authentication is required
    <section name="CompatibleClients" type="aqua.Server.Configuration.CompatibleClientSection, aquaUtils" />
    <add key="LDAP.ServerAddress" value="" />
    <add key="LDAP.ServerPort" value="389" />
    <add key="LDAP.UseSSL" value="false" />
    <add key="LDAP.BaseDN" value="ou=aqua,dc=andagon,dc=com " />
    <add key="LDAP.UsernameFilter" value="uid={0}" />
    <add key="LDAP.DiscoveryUserDN" value="" />
    <add key="LDAP.DiscoveryUserPassword" value="" />
Save and close Web.config

Start aqua Server

After configuration, you can start your aqua server. Go back to IIS-Manager and start  'aquaAPIPool, 'aquaFileServerPool', 'aquaWebservicePool'.

Configuring multiple LDAP servers
You can connect up to 50 different LDAP servers with aqua. Each will be checked one-by-one, when authenticating the users.
The configuration can be extended by adding a proper index in the key names of the configuration . The indexes will define, in which order the servers are taken for authentication. You can give any index you like, from 1-50, for example:
    <add key="LDAP.1.ServerAddress" value="aquatest-ldap" />
    <add key="LDAP.1.ServerPort" value="389" />
    <add key="LDAP.1.UseSSL" value="false" />
    <add key="LDAP.1.BaseDN" value="ou=aqua,dc=aquatest-ldap,dc=andagon,dc=com" />
    <add key="LDAP.1.UsernameFilter" value="uid={0}" />
    <add key="LDAP.1.DiscoveryUserDN" value="" />
    <add key="LDAP.1.DiscoveryUserPassword" value="" />
In order to configure multiple servers, just copy the configuration as often as needed and change the indexes and addresses.
We keep backward compatibility with previous configuration. Old configurations will work without the necessity to change them.

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