Execution Results

Execution Results

The Executions tab in the navigation bar on the left side of a test case displays all test case executions. Information such as execution date, status, name of the tester and linked defects can be viewed here. The status of an execution is indicated as Failed, Blocked, Passed or Not Complete. To view the current executions you may need to Refresh Executions.
Clicking the Continue button can continue an executed test case if it is not finalized. Test results can then still be changed. Executions that have been fully executed but not finalized, can be finally saved using the Finalize button, so they can no longer be continued or modified.
Furthermore, an execution can be marked as Irrelevant. Thus, it will not be counted as executed, e.g in reportings. A reason must also be entered. Using the same button, executions can also be marked as relevant again.
With Abort the test case execution of automated test cases can be aborted.
Use the Open Executed Test Case button or double-click on the execution to get a detailed view of the execution with all test steps and attached files. Here you can also directly create or link a new defect from this execution.
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