Feature guidelines 24.8 - On Premise

Feature guidelines 24.8 - On Premise


Version  24.8

Date: 16.02.2024

aqua4Jira Plugin - Now Compatible with Jira Data Center!

Useful when:

  • You are migrating from Jira Server to Jira Data Center

  • You already using Jira Data Center but couldn’t connect aqua4Jira


If you are already using the cloud or server version of aqua4Jira plugin, we recommend uninstalling the old version from the Apps page.

Then go to the aqua4jira official page and from the dropdown select the ‘Data Center’ option.

Small tip before you proceed with switching to a new version, it's essential to confirm that your Jira Data Center version aligns with the supported specifications of the plugin. This step is crucial to guarantee a smooth experience and optimal performance.

Current supported versions of Jira Data Center are 8.0.0 - 9.12.2

Add other users as watchers to receive emails when changes are done to the ticket

Useful when:

  • You want to keep relevant team members in the loop on updates across all types of items, fostering better collaboration and awareness.


To ensure multiple users are notified via email when any change happens to a requirement, test case, test scenario, or defect, simply click the ‘Watchers’ button and then click ‘Add/remove user from CC’ 

Then select from the list all users who should receive the email notifications.

When you need to remove some users from CC, then just unselect the checkbox and save the preferences.

Option to enable mic when capturing a screen and adding voice notes

Useful when:

  • You need to explain the complex flow and add some comments to enhance understanding.

  • Provide some instructions on how to test or reproduce the issue


If you don’t have the Capture extension installed, please visit our page at the Chrome webstore. If you don’t know what Capture is and are curious to learn about it before trying, there is a comprehensive knowledge base that you can familiarise with.

In case you have already Capture installed, then the new feature should be automatically available for you.

To start using it, click on the Capture icon on the extensions toolbar in Chrome

Then click the ‘Grant mic permissions’ button. You will be prompted to enable mic by chrome first. It’s required only once.

Then close this tab and return to the one where you want to start capturing.

Click on the extension icon again and then click ‘Enable the mic’

Once you start the recording, the microphone will be enabled and you can provide your comments. Capture uses the default mic of your PC or laptop.

You can enable/disable the microphone while capturing too.

Option to pause/resume while capturing the video 

Useful when:

  • You need to pause capturing because unexpected interruptions occurred or when you need to prep the next steps.

  • You want to create a more polished final capture by pausing during transitions or setup, ensuring your viewers only see what's essential.


Start capturing the video as usual by selecting the corresponding button, then whenever you need to paus it, click on the corresponding button on the toolbar.

Then click it again to resume recording.

Please note, that during the pause, the extension does not collect steps or technical details either.

‘Share last minute’ - report that pesky bug

Useful when:

  • You experience a bug that’s hard to catch or reproduce and you want to share a bug report on the issue that has just happened

  • You want to report the issue as soon as it happens


To enable ‘Last minute’ recording, please open the web page where you experience the issues or want to enable the background capturing and then click on the Capture extension icon on the toolbar.

Then click on the toggler to enable the feature.

Reload the page and then proceed interacting with the page as you usually do.

Once you want to report and issue or notice strange behaviour, click on the extension icon again and then ‘Replay last minute’ button.

Up to the last 60 seconds along with the technical details will be included into the report.

You can file a defect directly to aqua or to Jira with the collected details.

Please note that the extension does not track anything on any webpage unless you enable it.

In case you want to disable this feature, simply click on the toggle to disable it and then reload the page.

If you want to see at what domains the feature is available or add multiple domains for tracking, you can do so at the extension settings page.

Click on the extension icon again and then on the ‘Settings’ icon.

Add one by one all the domains where you want this feature to be available

If you want to remove the feature, hover on the URL and click ‘Remove’

Once you remove the domains, the extension will not collect any data on the background.

Please note that Capture extension does not collect or send any data to any 3rd party vendors while the feature is available.

The data is saved to Capture only when you create a ticket by saving it to the Capture dashboard.

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