Links in Descriptions

Links in Descriptions

You can also add links to web pages in description fields. To do this, click on the insert/edit link icon or use the shortcut ctrl+k
You can then enter a display text as well as the URL. If you select some text in the description field before you click on the link symbol, the selected text will automatically be used as display text.
In the selection field Protocol you can define the protocol to be used, such as http, https or even ftp, if you want to specify a link to a file on a file server. In addition, you can also define a link to a phone number or email address instead of a URL using Link Type. Via the target page you can define at which position the window will be opened. However, most browsers do not allow this, i.e. in Firefox or Chrome, for example, a new tab is always opened.
After saving the item, the link in the description is highlighted and can be directly opened by clicking it.
If you want to modify the link, you have to select the text (please make sure not to select any other characters) and then click on the link icon. The existing link will be displayed and can then be modified.
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