

Quick preview of items on backlog page and scrum board.
Step 1: Navigate to the backlog page and press the spacebar or click the preview icon.
Step 2: Once the preview panel appears, navigate between the items and you will instantly see the content of the item on the panel.
Step 3: If you need to view more than just fields, you can hover over the panel and scroll within it to see the description too.
Step 4: In case you need to open the ticket to check comments or dependencies, simply click on the expand icon and the item opens in a separate tab.
Step 5: If you would like to share the ticket with your colleague, click on the link icon and the URL will be automatically copied to your clipboard.
Step 6: When you want to close the preview, just press the spacebar again or click on the preview icon.
Step 7: On the scrum board, open preview the same way by clicking the preview icon or pressing the spacebar. You can switch between the tickets on the board and view the content just the way you can do it on the backlog page.
●     When activating the preview, it will always show the last previewed ticket.
●     Preview is enabled/disabled separately for backlog page and scrum board.
●     The preview option is not available on the navigation page yet.
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