aqua offers a REST API. You can use the API for example to access information from items or test executions, to create or modify new items, to manage the user administration, to create test executions and much more. This allows you to automate recurring tasks in aqua via scripts, easily handle large amounts of data (e.g. assign thousands of users to a project) or create interfaces with your third-party systems or automation tools.
The REST API is documented in detail with examples of the requests and the possible responses and contents.
As aqua OnPremises customer, you can find the documentation on the REST API help page at:
or in some cases:
Please replace <YourServerNameOrIP> with your server name or the server IP address.
As aqua SAAS customer, please visit the following page:
On the aqua Demo environment, please visit the following page:
Please also note the following when using the REST API
The permissions and the license of the user used to login to the REST API will affect what is allowed. For example, you cannot create a test case using the API with a user who does not have permissions to create test cases The ID of items within the requests must be specified without leading zeros, e.g., 123 and not TC000123 or 000123