Sub requirements (Rich Client)

Sub requirements (Rich Client)

In sub requirements, a full product specification sheet of a software can be specified in chapters and sub chapters. These allow you to divide your chapters into standalone requirements. They can be assigned to different users and have different status, test cases and defects. So you will be able to monitor your process. In the end, you can merge everything together in one document, which can include all executed test cases, closed and known defects, and calculated parameters.
First, start by opening a single requirement and click on the Subrequirements button.
Here, you can create new chapters. Click on
 to create a new sub requirement. We can specify this in Chapter 1.
If you want to create chapter 1.1 mark Chapter 1 on the left-hand side and click on Add.
This chapter has to be moved to the right-hand side in order to create a sub chapter. Mark the second chapter and click on . You will receive the following result.
If you want to edit these chapters click on Quick edit.
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