Test environment tracking with labels

Test environment tracking with labels

When executing tests, it is often really important to track detailed information about the environment and / or the system under test. 
Example A: Testing a Webshop
When testing a web shop process, it could be important to track the
  • Browser (possibly including version)
  • Operating System
  • Payment provider API Version
  • deployed Shop Modules
Example B: Testing a health monitor watch 
When testing a health monitoring device, it could be important to track the
  • Prototyp Number
  • Software Version 
  • Firmware Version
  • Sensor Type
  • Test chamber A
    consisting of 
  • National Instruments Testing Device A
  • Rohde & Schwarz Measuring Device B
  • Fluke Oscilloscope Z
Of course, it’s always possible to just put this information to the ‘actual result’ of a test case. But this approach has downsides when it comes to Analysis & Reporting. The information is there but hidden. 

Enter aqua Test Execution Labels

With aqua Test Execution Labels testers can easily track detailed information like given in the examples above:
Labels can represent 
  • Information about the System under Test / Application under Test / Device under Test
  • Information about the Test Environment
  • any other information about the executed test 

How to add a new label

New labels can be added in the run configuration before the execution or in the execution himself. To add a new label klick on the  and start typing to create a new label. 

Adding an existing label

To add an existing label also klick on the  and search/select for an existing label. With a click on it, it will be shown in the pool of selected labels. The already selected labels are highlighted in gray.

Editing Labels

To edit a label klick on it and select Edit. This is possible in the run configuration and in not finalized executions. In this window the name can be changed. Also, a short description can be added as well as the possibility to add sublabels in form of new or existing labels. 
Note: A changed name or description does not affect old, existing executions where the same label has been used. 

Super Labels aka Complex Labels


Deleting Labels

Deleting a Label removes it from the pool of labels presented to the users in the auto complete dialog. Cleaning up the List of Labels by deleting old or misspelled labels can make it easier and faster for the team to find and use the correct labels.
Important Information:  Deleting a label will never remove the label from existing test executions! 
So even if you delete a label, your old test executions are safe and not affected by this.
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